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Our Leaders …


Steve Percy

Pastor & Full-time Elder

Steve is husband to Vicky and dad to two fantastic kids. The four of them enjoy a life busy with various after-school clubs, ministry opportunities and fellowship, trying to figure out what 'following Jesus in the day-to-day' actually looks like!

Steve left his previous career of fifteen years as a Probation Officer to come into full-time leadership at Hope Community Church in September 2018.


Steve is passionate about seeing God's people engaged in worship together, and carries a deep longing to see men, particularly young men, understand and live out what it means to be a man of God.


He enjoys watching most sports, but particularly rugby. He played both football and rugby regularly until recently, but if you ask Vicky, his rugby days are now behind him!

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Mat and Elisabeth have lived with their four children in Glossop since 2015. Mat is a Software Engineer by trade, and is also a member of the Glossop Mountain Rescue Team. When not tapping away at the keyboard, walking around the Hills of Glossop or doing something else genuinely productive, he might be found supporting Arsenal Football Club.

Mat Martin

Elder & Trustee


Simon Davidson

Elder & Trustee

After worshiping at Mottram Evangelical Church for 2 and a half years, Simon and his wife Sandra moved to Hattersley in October 2001 to volunteer with the newly launched EDEN Project and become part of the fellowship of the soon to be established Hattersley Community Church (now called Hope Community Church).


At that time Simon was working full time in hotel management but in May 2004 became a full time Youth & Community Worker, working alongside the EDEN Team Leader. In September 2008, Simon was made the EDEN Team Leader.  This role has now developed into Executive Director of Lifecentre Hattersley.

Simon became a church leader in January 2009 and is involved in preaching and leading the church youth group. Simon can usually be found climbing up or skiing down a mountain, or diving in warm water - in fact the more dangerous the activity the more he enjoys it!


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