Loving Jesus, loving each other, loving everyone!
Our Values …
Whilst vision will develop and grow with time, our values are the unchanging, distinctive foundation on which our life together as a community is established.
We at Hope Community Church are committed to the following core values which define the ethos and aspirations for our worship, our ministry and our mission:
Enjoying God
Awe-filled captivation with the glory of God and a life-long enjoyment of his extravagant grace.
Joyful and confident wonder in the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ.
Spirit & Word
a passionate spirituality shaped by a love for God's Word and an openness to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, both of which we pursue with fervent prayer.
An unshakeable conviction that the primary mission of the Church is to proclaim the good news of God’s salvation in every corner of the globe.
A deep, abiding love for God that shows itself in tender-hearted, humble, wise, honest, kind, faithful, gracious, affirming and mutually accountable relationships.
A community culture which prizes godly character in secret above self-promotion, charisma or personal comfort.
A love for the Church that compels us to seek the greater good of God’s eternal kingdom rather than protect our own little empires.