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Our Vision …

As a local church, a community of God's people, we are deliberately and wholeheartedly pursuing …

Honour for Christ

We are captivated with, and delighted by, Jesus Christ. Our first priorities are to worship him, continue in a lifelong enjoyment of his grace, seek his glorious kingdom, introduce others to him and to spread his fame throughout Tameside, Glossop and to the ends of the earth.


Health for His Church

We love the church. We are committed to improving the health of the local church in ways that are pleasing to Jesus, who is head of the Church. We want to become a worshiping community known for our enjoyment of God, our respect for the Bible, our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, our confidence in the gospel, our love for one another, our hospitality to strangers and our commitment to mercy and justice. 


Hope for our Communities

We are convinced that vibrant, lasting hope is found only through a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the true source of true human flourishing. We are devoted to sharing the resources we have been given and the insights we have been taught by Jesus, to promote the spiritual, relational, aspirational and material well-being of the communities in which God has placed us and to which he sends us.

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